Ashish Garg speaking about designers during Jewellery designer forum in VOD Dubai
Welcome speech at a webinar on Copyright and trade mark in context of Jewellery Industry
Nirav Shah from Fame Advisory DMCC moderated the next panel discussion on ROI or GMROI (Gross Margin Return on Investment): True Measure of Financial Dynamics in Retail. The panelists were Ashish Garg of KGK Group, Kaushik Soni of Tejori Diamonds and Thomas Scaria of Joyalukkas. Want to read more? #rjwdf2021 #uae #fameadvisory #kgk #tejoridiamonds #joyalukkas #retailjewellerworld #retailjewellerindia
Colour gemstones today lack marketing like diamond and gold. There is no house of marketing that highlights mines and spells out the difference between sapphires, emeralds and rubies across the world. There is no hub of education available for the public. The work starts and ends with the retailer sourcing his own colour gemstones.
- Mr. Tamjid Abdullah, Jawhara Jewellery